Doing More with STREAMLINE

Before, or after running STREAMLINE, there are a number of things a user can do to get even more out of this framework and it’s main phases.

Useful Notebooks

Included in the STREAMLINE repository is the folder UsefulNotebooks containing a variety of Jupyter Notebooks, each designed to work with an ‘experiment’ folder containing the output of a STREAMLINE run. As an overview, these notebooks are designed to:

  1. Regenerate key plots based on user specifications

  2. Reporting model prediction probabilities for testing and replication dataset instances

  3. Generate additional figures, including:

    • A feature imporance rank heatmap

    • Model vizualizations for decision tree and genetic programming models

  4. Examining the impact of using decision thresholds other than the default 0.5.

  5. Run a complete training data evaluation of all models.

Below we detail what each of these notebooks do (in alphabetical order):

  • DecisionThreshold_Interactive.ipynb: allow users to interactively examine different decision thresholds for a target model, and see how this new threshold impacts confusion matrix metrics (i.e. TP, TN, FP, FN).

  • DecisionThreshold_TestEval.ipynb: allow users to (1) re-evaluate all trained models on the respective testing datasets using a decision threshold other than the default 0.5, (2) re-generate metric evaluation boxplots comparing algorithm performance using this new decision threshold, and (3) re-run statistical significance analyses comparing algorithm performance using this new decision threshold.

  • DecisionThreshold_TrainEval.ipynb: allow users to (1) re-evaluate all trained models on respective training datasets using the standard decision threshold of 0.5 or some other threshold, (2) re-generate metric evaluation boxplots comparing algorithm performance using this new decision threshold, and (3) re-run statistical significance analyses comparing algorithm performance using this new decision threshold.

  • GenPlots_CompositeFI.ipynb: allow users to generate custom variations of the composite feature importance plots.

  • GenPlots_FI_Heatmap.ipynb: allow users to generate an interactive html visualization of ranked feature importance estimates across algorithms.

  • GenPlots_ROC_PRC.ipynb: allow users to generate (1) ROC and PRC plots for each algorithm (over all CV partitions) if this function was previously turned off in the pipeline, (2) all ROC and PRC plots with the legend inside the plot rather than to the upper right, and (3) allow code-savy users to easily modify this notebook to regenerate these plots to their own specifications.

  • ModelViz_DT_GP.ipynb: allow users to generate a direct visualization of the models generated by algorithms that create directly interpretable models (i.e. decision tree, and genetic programming).

  • PredictionProbs_Replication.ipynb: will generate model (class 1) prediction probabilities for instances of respective replication dataset.

  • PredictionProbs_Test_EvalMetricAccess.ipynb: will (1) show users how to access all model evaluation metrics from internal pickle files, and (2) generate model (class 1) prediction probabilities for instances of the respective testing dataset.

  • Note: Users can run these notebooks ‘as-is’ if they ran the demo code for the demonstration datasets, or they can modify the notebook parameters to run on a different experiment folder, or change the notebook code to further customize their output.

Updating Modeling Algorithm Hyperparameter Options

The hard-coded range of hyperparameter options and their value options/ranges for each algorithm can be found within streamline/modeling/ Code-savy users can adjust these value option/ranges for each ML algorithm if desired. However if you do so, and publish results of running STREAMLINE we stongly recommend indicating this or any other code changes for reproducibility.

Adding New Modeling Algorithms

New models can easily be added to STREAMLINE by creating a custom class and wrapping it as warped class derived form the STREAMLINE BaseModel with specific information such as name, plot colors and hyper parameters for the sweep.

An example wrapped code is given below. This is also given as file in the info directory of the github here

from abc import ABC
from streamline.modeling.basemodel import BaseModel
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier as SGD

class ElasticNetClassifier(BaseModel, ABC):
    model_name = "Elastic Net"
    small_name = "EN"
    color = "aquamarine"

    def __init__(self, cv_folds=3, scoring_metric='balanced_accuracy',
                 metric_direction='maximize', random_state=None, cv=None, n_jobs=None):
        super().__init__(SGD, "Elastic Net", cv_folds, scoring_metric, metric_direction, random_state, cv)
        self.param_grid = {'penalty': ['elasticnet'], 'loss': ['log_loss', 'modified_huber'], 'alpha': [0.04, 0.05],
                           'max_iter': [1000, 2000], 'l1_ratio': [0.001, 0.1], 'class_weight': [None, 'balanced'],
                           'random_state': [random_state, ]}
        self.small_name = "EN"
        self.color = "aquamarine"
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs

    def objective(self, trial, params=None):
        self.params = {'penalty': trial.suggest_categorical('penalty', self.param_grid['penalty']),
                       'loss': trial.suggest_categorical('loss', self.param_grid['loss']),
                       'alpha': trial.suggest_float('alpha', self.param_grid['alpha'][0],
                       'max_iter': trial.suggest_int('max_iter', self.param_grid['max_iter'][0],
                       'l1_ratio': trial.suggest_float('l1_ratio', self.param_grid['l1_ratio'][0],
                       'class_weight': trial.suggest_categorical('class_weight', self.param_grid['class_weight']),
                       'random_state': trial.suggest_categorical('random_state', self.param_grid['random_state'])}

        mean_cv_score = self.hyper_eval()
        return mean_cv_score

This .py file can be kept in the streamline/models folders and it will be automatically picked up by the STREAMLINE pipeline dynamically

To make your own model make an arbitrarily named Class Derived form the BaseModel class in STREAMLINE.

The base class should be given it’s own

  • model_name

  • small_name

  • color

  • param_grid

And initialized with an sklearn compatible model class such as SGD here.

The init and super class init parameters should be the same as above.

An objective function should also be written for optuna such that all the parameters are suggested through an optuna trial. All the parameters should be suggested in a proper form using the most proper type of the variable and the proper function in the API documentation of Trial as described here

Specifically we want to correctly parameters should be categorical, integer, or discrete or continuous in linear or log domain and their ranges. The parameters that go in these functions should be what is defined in the param_grid variable.