Source code for streamline.featurefns.importance

import os
import csv
import time
import random
import pickle
import logging
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif
from skrebate import MultiSURF, TURF
from streamline.utils.job import Job
from streamline.utils.dataset import Dataset
from streamline.modeling.utils import num_cores

[docs] class FeatureImportance(Job): """ Initializer for Feature Importance Job """ def __init__(self, cv_train_path, experiment_path, class_label, instance_label=None, instance_subset=2000, algorithm="MS", use_turf=True, turf_pct=True, random_state=None, n_jobs=None): """ Args: cv_train_path: path for the cross-validation dataset created experiment_path: class_label: instance_label: instance_subset: algorithm: use_turf: turf_pct: random_state: n_jobs: """ super().__init__() self.cv_count = None self.dataset = None self.cv_train_path = cv_train_path self.experiment_path = experiment_path self.class_label = class_label self.instance_label = instance_label self.instance_subset = instance_subset self.algorithm = algorithm self.use_turf = use_turf self.turf_pct = turf_pct self.random_state = random_state self.n_jobs = n_jobs
[docs] def run(self): """ Run all elements of the feature importance evaluation: applies either mutual information and multisurf and saves a sorted dictionary of features with associated scores """ self.job_start_time = time.time() random.seed(self.random_state) np.random.seed(self.random_state) self.prepare_data()'Prepared Train and Test for: ' + str( + "_CV_" + str(self.cv_count)) assert (self.algorithm == 'MI' or self.algorithm == 'MS') # Apply mutual information if specified by user if self.algorithm == 'MI':'Running Mutual Information...') scores, output_path, alg_name = self.run_mutual_information() # Apply MultiSURF if specified by user elif self.algorithm == 'MS':'Running MultiSURF...') scores, output_path, alg_name = self.run_multi_surf() else: raise Exception("Feature importance algorithm not found")'Sort and pickle feature importance scores...') header = header.remove(self.class_label) if self.instance_label is not None: header.remove(self.instance_label) # Save sorted feature importance scores: score_dict, score_sorted_features = self.sort_save_fi_scores(scores, header, alg_name) # Pickle feature importance information to be used in Phase 4 (feature selection) self.pickle_scores(alg_name, scores, score_dict, score_sorted_features) # Save phase runtime self.save_runtime(alg_name) # Print phase completion + " CV" + str(self.cv_count) + " phase 3 " + alg_name + " evaluation complete") job_file = open( self.experiment_path + '/jobsCompleted/job_' + alg_name + '_' + + '_' + str(self.cv_count) + '.txt', 'w') job_file.write('complete') job_file.close()
[docs] def prepare_data(self): """ Loads target cv training dataset, separates class from features and removes instance labels. """ self.dataset = Dataset(self.cv_train_path, self.class_label, instance_label=self.instance_label) = self.cv_train_path.split('/')[-3] self.dataset.instance_label = self.instance_label self.dataset.class_label = self.class_label self.cv_count = self.cv_train_path.split('/')[-1].split("_")[-2]
[docs] def run_mutual_information(self): """ Run mutual information on target training dataset and return scores as well as file path/name information. """ alg_name = "mutual_information" output_path = self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" \ + alg_name + '/' + alg_name + "_scores_cv_" + str(self.cv_count) + '.csv' if not os.path.exists(self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" + alg_name + "/"): os.makedirs(self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" + alg_name + "/") scores = mutual_info_classif(self.dataset.feature_only_data(), self.dataset.get_outcome(), random_state=self.random_state) return scores, output_path, alg_name
[docs] def run_multi_surf(self): """ Run multiSURF (a Relief-based feature importance algorithm able to detect both univariate and interaction effects) and return scores as well as file path/name information """ # Format instance sampled dataset (prevents MultiSURF from running a very long time in large instance spaces) ############# # Code portion that's problematic # TODO: Debug # data_features = self.dataset.feature_only_data() # print(data_features.shape, self.dataset.get_outcome().shape, # print(len( # print(len(data_features.columns)) # print(data_features.shape, self.dataset.get_outcome().shape) # formatted = np.insert(data_features, data_features.shape[1], self.dataset.get_outcome(), 1) # # choices = np.random.choice(formatted.shape[0], min(self.instance_subset, formatted.shape[0]), replace=False) # new_l = list() # for i in choices: # new_l.append(formatted[i]) # formatted = np.array(new_l) # data_features = np.delete(formatted, -1, axis=1) # data_phenotypes = formatted[:, -1] ############## # New code headers = list( if self.instance_label: headers.remove(self.instance_label) headers.remove(self.class_label) data_features =[headers + [self.class_label, ]] n = data_features.shape[0] if self.instance_subset is not None: n = min(data_features.shape[0], self.instance_subset) data_features = data_features.sample(n) data_phenotypes = data_features[self.class_label] data_features = data_features.drop(self.class_label, axis=1) # Run MultiSURF alg_name = "multisurf" if not os.path.exists(self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" + alg_name + "/"): os.makedirs(self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" + alg_name + "/") output_path = self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" + alg_name + "/" \ + alg_name + "_scores_cv_" + str(self.cv_count) + '.csv' if self.n_jobs is None: self.n_jobs = 1 if self.use_turf: try: clf = TURF(MultiSURF(n_jobs=self.n_jobs), pct=self.turf_pct).fit(data_features.values, data_phenotypes.values) except ModuleNotFoundError: raise Exception("sk-rebate version error") else: clf = MultiSURF(n_jobs=self.n_jobs).fit(data_features.values, data_phenotypes.values) scores = clf.feature_importances_ return scores, output_path, alg_name
[docs] def pickle_scores(self, output_name, scores, score_dict, score_sorted_features): """ Pickle the scores, score dictionary and features sorted by score to be used primarily in phase 4 (feature selection) of pipeline """ # Save Scores to pickled file for later use outfile = open( self.experiment_path + '/' + + "/feature_selection/" + output_name + "/pickledForPhase4/" + str(self.cv_count) + '.pickle', 'wb') pickle.dump([scores, score_dict, score_sorted_features], outfile) outfile.close()
[docs] def save_runtime(self, output_name): """ Save phase runtime Args: output_name: name of the output tag """ runtime_file = open( self.experiment_path + '/' + + '/runtime/runtime_' + output_name + '_CV_' + str(self.cv_count) + '.txt', 'w') runtime_file.write(str(time.time() - self.job_start_time)) runtime_file.close()
[docs] def sort_save_fi_scores(self, scores, ordered_feature_names, alg_name): """ Creates a feature score dictionary and a dictionary sorted by decreasing feature importance scores. Args: scores: ordered_feature_names: alg_name: Returns: score_dict, score_sorted_features - dictionary of scores and score sorted name of features """ # Put list of scores in dictionary score_dict = {} i = 0 for each in ordered_feature_names: score_dict[each] = scores[i] i += 1 # Sort features by decreasing score filename = self.experiment_path + '/' \ + + "/feature_selection/" \ + alg_name + '/' + alg_name + "_scores_cv_" + str(self.cv_count) + '.csv' score_sorted_features = sorted(score_dict, key=lambda x: score_dict[x], reverse=True) # Save scores to 'formatted' file with open(filename, mode='w', newline="") as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(["Sorted " + alg_name + " Scores"]) for k in score_sorted_features: writer.writerow([k, score_dict[k]]) file.close() return score_dict, score_sorted_features
# def __getstate__(self): # """called when pickling - this hack allows subprocesses to # be spawned without the AuthenticationString raising an error""" # state = self.__dict__.copy() # conf = state['_config'] # if 'authkey' in conf: # # del conf['authkey'] # conf['authkey'] = bytes(conf['authkey']) # return state # # def __setstate__(self, state): # """for unpickling""" # state['_config']['authkey'] = state['_config']['authkey'] # self.__dict__.update(state)