import logging
import os
import pickle
import re
import glob
import time
import dask
from pathlib import Path
from streamline.utils.dataset import Dataset
from streamline.dataprep.data_process import DataProcess
from streamline.utils.runners import parallel_eda_call, num_cores
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from streamline.utils.cluster import get_cluster
class DataProcessRunner:
Description: Phase 1 of STREAMLINE - This 'Main' script manages Phase 1 run parameters, \
updates the metadata file (with user specified run parameters across pipeline run) \
and submits job to run locally (to run serially) or on a linux computing \
cluster (parallelized). This script runs which conducts initial \
exploratory analysis of data and cross validation (CV) partitioning. Note \
that this entire pipeline may also be run within Jupyter Notebook (see STREAMLINE-Notebook.ipynb). \
All 'Main' scripts in this pipeline have the potential to be extended by \
users to submit jobs to other parallel computing frameworks (e.g. cloud computing). \
- Before running, be sure to check that all run parameters have relevant/desired values including those with\
default values available.
- 'Target' datasets for analysis should be in comma-separated format (.txt or .csv)
- Missing data values should be empty or indicated with an 'NA'.
- Dataset(s) includes a header giving column labels.
- Data columns include features, class label, and optionally instance (i.e. row) labels, or match labels\
(if matched cross validation will be used)
- Binary class values are encoded as 0 (e.g. negative), and 1 (positive) with respect to true positive, \
true negative, false positive, false negative metrics. PRC plots focus on classification of 'positives'.
- All feature values (both categorical and quantitative) are numerically encoded. Scikit-learn does not accept \
text-based values. However, both instance_label and match_label values may be either numeric or text.
- One or more target datasets for analysis should be included in the same data_path folder. The path to this \
folder is a critical pipeline run parameter. No spaces are allowed in filenames (this will lead to
'invalid literal' by export_exploratory_analysis.) \
If multiple datasets are being analyzed they must have the \
same class_label, and (if present) the same instance_label and match_label.
def __init__(self, data_path, output_path, experiment_name, exclude_eda_output=None,
class_label="Class", instance_label=None, match_label=None, n_splits=10, partition_method="Stratified",
ignore_features=None, categorical_features=None, quantitative_features=None, top_features=20,
categorical_cutoff=10, sig_cutoff=0.05, featureeng_missingness=0.5, cleaning_missingness=0.5,
random_state=None, run_cluster=False, queue='defq', reserved_memory=4, show_plots=False):
Initializer for a runner class for Exploratory Data Analysis Jobs
data_path: path to directory containing datasets
output_path: path to output directory
experiment_name: name of experiment output folder (no spaces)
exclude_eda_output: list of eda outputs to exclude
possible options ['describe_csv', 'univariate_plots', 'correlation_plots']
class_label: outcome label of all datasets
instance_label: instance label of all datasets (if present)
match_label: only applies when M selected for partition-method; indicates column with \
matched instance ids
n_splits: no of splits in cross-validation (default=10)
partition_method: method of partitioning in cross-validation must be in ["Random", "Stratified", "Group"]\
ignore_features: list of string of column names of features to ignore or \
path to .csv file with feature labels to be ignored in analysis (default=None)
categorical_features: list of string of column names of features to ignore or \
path to .csv file with feature labels specified to be treated as categorical where possible\
categorical_cutoff: number of unique values for a variable is considered to be quantitative vs categorical\
sig_cutoff: significance cutoff used throughout pipeline (default=0.05)
featureeng_missingness: the proportion of missing values within a feature (above which) a new
binary categorical feature is generated that indicates if the
value for an instance was missing or not
cleaning_missingness: the proportion of missing values, within a feature or instance, (at which) the
given feature or instance will be automatically cleaned (i.e. removed)
from the processed ‘target dataset’
correlation_removal_threshold: the (pearson) feature correlation at which one out of a pair of
features is randomly removed from the processed ‘target dataset’
random_state: sets a specific random seed for reproducible results (default=None)
run_cluster: name of cluster run setting or False (default=False)
queue: name of queue to be used in cluster run (default="defq")
reserved_memory: reserved memory for cluster run in GB (in default=4)
show_plots: flag to output plots for notebooks (default=False)
self.data_path = data_path
self.output_path = output_path
self.experiment_name = experiment_name
self.class_label = class_label
self.instance_label = instance_label
self.match_label = match_label
self.ignore_features = ignore_features
self.categorical_cutoff = categorical_cutoff
self.categorical_features = categorical_features
self.quantitative_features = quantitative_features
self.featureeng_missingness = featureeng_missingness
self.cleaning_missingness = cleaning_missingness
self.correlation_removal_threshold = correlation_removal_threshold
self.top_features = top_features
self.exclude_eda_output = exclude_eda_output
known_exclude_options = ['describe_csv', 'univariate_plots', 'correlation_plots']
exploration_list = ["Describe", "Univariate Analysis", "Feature Correlation"]
plot_list = ["Describe", "Univariate Analysis", "Feature Correlation"]
if exclude_eda_output is not None:
for x in exclude_eda_output:
if x not in known_exclude_options:
logging.warning("Unknown EDA exclusion option " + str(x))
if 'describe_csv' in exclude_eda_output:
if 'univariate_plots' in exclude_eda_output:
plot_list.remove("Univariate Analysis")
if 'correlation_plots' in exclude_eda_output:
plot_list.remove("Feature Correlation")
self.exploration_list = exploration_list
self.plot_list = plot_list
self.n_splits = n_splits
self.partition_method = partition_method
self.run_cluster = run_cluster
self.queue = queue
self.reserved_memory = reserved_memory
self.show_plots = show_plots
self.random_state = random_state
self.sig_cutoff = sig_cutoff
except Exception as e:
# shutil.rmtree(self.output_path)
raise e
def run(self, run_parallel=False):
file_count, job_counter = 0, 0
unique_datanames = []
job_obj_list = []
for dataset_path in glob.glob(self.data_path + '/*'):
dataset_path = str(Path(dataset_path).as_posix())
# Save unique dataset names so that analysis is run only once if there
# is both a .txt and .csv version of dataset with same name.
file_extension = dataset_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1]
data_name = dataset_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
if file_extension == 'txt' or file_extension == 'csv' or file_extension == 'tsv':
if data_name not in unique_datanames:
file_count += 1
if not os.path.exists(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/' + data_name):
os.makedirs(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/' + data_name)
if self.run_cluster == "SLURMOld":
if self.run_cluster == "LSFOld":
dataset = Dataset(dataset_path, self.class_label, self.match_label, self.instance_label)
# Ryan - dataset loading has to take place on individual compute nodes
# (bare minimum can be running on head node for cluster parallelization)
job_obj = DataProcess(dataset, self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name,
self.categorical_features, self.quantitative_features,
self.categorical_cutoff, self.sig_cutoff, self.featureeng_missingness,
self.cleaning_missingness, self.correlation_removal_threshold,
self.partition_method, self.n_splits,
self.random_state, self.show_plots)
# Cluster vs Non Cluster irrelevant as now local jobs are parallel too
if not run_parallel: # Run as job in parallel
job_counter += 1
if file_count == 0: # Check that there was at least 1 dataset
raise Exception("There must be at least one .txt, .tsv, or .csv dataset in data_path directory")
if run_parallel and run_parallel != "False" and not self.run_cluster:
)(job_obj, {'top_features': self.top_features}) for job_obj in job_obj_list)
if self.run_cluster and "Old" not in self.run_cluster:
self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name, self.queue, self.reserved_memory)
)(job_obj, {'top_features': self.top_features}) for job_obj in job_obj_list])
def make_dir_tree(self):
Checks existence of data folder path.
Checks that experiment output folder does not already exist as well as validity of experiment_name parameter.
Then generates initial output folder hierarchy.
# Check to make sure data_path exists and experiment name is valid & unique
if not os.path.exists(self.data_path):
raise Exception("Provided data_path does not exist")
if os.path.exists(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name):
raise Exception(
"Error: A folder with the specified experiment name already exists at "
"" + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '. This path/folder name must be unique.')
if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$', self.experiment_name):
raise Exception('Experiment Name must be alphanumeric')
# Create output folder if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(self.output_path):
# Create Experiment folder, with log and job folders
os.mkdir(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name)
os.mkdir(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/jobsCompleted')
os.mkdir(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/jobs')
os.mkdir(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/logs')
def get_cluster_params(self, dataset_path):
exclude_param = ','.join(self.exclude_eda_output) if self.exclude_eda_output else None
cluster_params = [dataset_path, self.output_path, self.experiment_name, exclude_param,
self.class_label, self.instance_label, self.match_label, self.n_splits,
self.partition_method, self.ignore_features, self.categorical_features,
self.quantitative_features, self.top_features,
self.categorical_cutoff, self.sig_cutoff, self.featureeng_missingness,
self.cleaning_missingness, self.correlation_removal_threshold, self.random_state]
cluster_params = [str(i) if type(i) != list else '"' + str(i) + '"' for i in cluster_params]
return cluster_params
def submit_slurm_cluster_job(self, dataset_path):
job_ref = str(time.time())
job_name = self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/jobs/P1_' + job_ref + ''
sh_file = open(job_name, 'w')
sh_file.write('#SBATCH -p ' + self.queue + '\n')
sh_file.write('#SBATCH --job-name=' + job_ref + '\n')
sh_file.write('#SBATCH --mem=' + str(self.reserved_memory) + 'G' + '\n')
# sh_file.write('#BSUB -M '+str(maximum_memory)+'GB'+'\n')
'#SBATCH -o ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name +
'/logs/P1_' + job_ref + '.o\n')
'#SBATCH -e ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name +
'/logs/P1_' + job_ref + '.e\n')
file_path = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/streamline/legacy" + '/'
cluster_params = self.get_cluster_params(dataset_path)
command = ' '.join(['srun', 'python', file_path] + cluster_params)
sh_file.write(command + '\n')
os.system('sbatch ' + job_name)
def submit_lsf_cluster_job(self, dataset_path):
job_ref = str(time.time())
job_name = self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/jobs/P1_' + job_ref + ''
sh_file = open(job_name, 'w')
sh_file.write('#BSUB -q ' + self.queue + '\n')
sh_file.write('#BSUB -J ' + job_ref + '\n')
sh_file.write('#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=' + str(self.reserved_memory) + 'G]"' + '\n')
sh_file.write('#BSUB -M ' + str(self.reserved_memory) + 'GB' + '\n')
'#BSUB -o ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name +
'/logs/P1_' + job_ref + '.o\n')
'#BSUB -e ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name +
'/logs/P1_' + job_ref + '.e\n')
file_path = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/streamline/legacy" + '/'
cluster_params = self.get_cluster_params(dataset_path)
command = ' '.join(['python', file_path] + cluster_params)
sh_file.write(command + '\n')
os.system('bsub < ' + job_name)