Source code for streamline.runners.stats_runner

import logging
import os
import glob
import time
import dask
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from streamline.modeling.utils import SUPPORTED_MODELS
from streamline.modeling.utils import is_supported_model
from streamline.postanalysis.statistics import StatsJob
from streamline.utils.runners import runner_fn, num_cores
from streamline.utils.cluster import get_cluster

[docs] class StatsRunner: """ Runner Class for collating statistics of all the models """ def __init__(self, output_path, experiment_name, algorithms=None, exclude=("XCS", "eLCS"), class_label="Class", instance_label=None, scoring_metric='balanced_accuracy', top_features=40, sig_cutoff=0.05, metric_weight='balanced_accuracy', scale_data=True, exclude_plots=None, show_plots=False, run_cluster=False, queue='defq', reserved_memory=4): """ Args: output_path: path to output directory experiment_name: name of experiment (no spaces) algorithms: list of str of ML models to run scoring_metric='balanced_accuracy' sig_cutoff: significance cutoff, default=0.05 metric_weight='balanced_accuracy' scale_data=True exclude_plots: metric_weight: ML model metric used as weight in composite FI plots \ (only supports balanced_accuracy or roc_auc as options). \ Recommend setting the same as primary_metric if possible, \ default='balanced_accuracy' top_features: number of top features to illustrate in figures, default=40 show_plots: flag to show plots """ self.dataset = None self.output_path = output_path self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.class_label = class_label self.instance_label = instance_label if algorithms is None: self.algorithms = SUPPORTED_MODELS if exclude is not None: for algorithm in exclude: try: self.algorithms.remove(algorithm) except Exception: Exception("Unknown algorithm in exclude: " + str(algorithm)) else: self.algorithms = list() for algorithm in algorithms: self.algorithms.append(is_supported_model(algorithm)) self.algorithms = sorted(self.algorithms) self.scale_data = scale_data self.sig_cutoff = sig_cutoff self.show_plots = show_plots self.scoring_metric = scoring_metric self.exclude_plots = exclude_plots known_exclude_options = ['plot_ROC', 'plot_PRC', 'plot_FI_box', 'plot_metric_boxplots'] if exclude_plots is not None: for x in exclude_plots: if x not in known_exclude_options: logging.warning("Unknown exclusion option " + str(x)) else: exclude_plots = list() self.plot_roc = 'plot_ROC' not in exclude_plots self.plot_prc = 'plot_PRC' not in exclude_plots self.plot_metric_boxplots = 'plot_metric_boxplots' not in exclude_plots self.plot_fi_box = 'plot_FI_box' not in exclude_plots self.metric_weight = metric_weight self.top_features = top_features self.run_cluster = run_cluster self.queue = queue self.reserved_memory = reserved_memory # Argument checks if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): raise Exception("Output path must exist (from phase 1) before phase 6 can begin") if not os.path.exists(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name): raise Exception("Experiment must exist (from phase 1) before phase 6 can begin") self.save_metadata()
[docs] def run(self, run_parallel=False): # Iterate through datasets, ignoring common folders dataset_paths = os.listdir(self.output_path + "/" + self.experiment_name) remove_list = ['.DS_Store', 'metadata.pickle', 'metadata.csv', 'algInfo.pickle', 'jobsCompleted', 'dask_logs', 'logs', 'jobs', 'DatasetComparisons', self.experiment_name + '_STREAMLINE_Report.pdf'] for text in remove_list: if text in dataset_paths: dataset_paths.remove(text) job_list = list() for dataset_directory_path in dataset_paths: full_path = self.output_path + "/" + self.experiment_name + "/" + dataset_directory_path # Create folders for DT and GP visualizations if "DT" in self.algorithms and not os.path.exists(full_path + '/model_evaluation/DT_Viz'): os.mkdir(full_path + '/model_evaluation/DT_Viz') if "GP" in self.algorithms and not os.path.exists(full_path + '/model_evaluation/GP_Viz'): os.mkdir(full_path + '/model_evaluation/GP_Viz') cv_dataset_paths = list(glob.glob(full_path + "/CVDatasets/*_CV_*Train.csv")) cv_dataset_paths = [str(Path(cv_dataset_path)) for cv_dataset_path in cv_dataset_paths] cv_partitions = len(cv_dataset_paths) if self.run_cluster == "SLURMOld": self.submit_slurm_cluster_job(full_path, cv_partitions) continue if self.run_cluster == "LSFOld": self.submit_lsf_cluster_job(full_path, cv_partitions) continue job_obj = StatsJob(full_path, self.algorithms, self.class_label, self.instance_label, self.scoring_metric, cv_partitions, self.top_features, self.sig_cutoff, self.metric_weight, self.scale_data, self.exclude_plots, self.show_plots) if run_parallel and run_parallel != "False": # p = multiprocessing.Process(target=runner_fn, args=(job_obj, )) job_list.append(job_obj) else: if run_parallel and run_parallel != "False" and not self.run_cluster: Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(runner_fn)(job_obj) for job_obj in job_list) if self.run_cluster and "Old" not in self.run_cluster: get_cluster(self.run_cluster, self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name, self.queue, self.reserved_memory) dask.compute([dask.delayed(runner_fn)(job_obj) for job_obj in job_list])
[docs] def save_metadata(self): file = open(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/' + "metadata.pickle", 'rb') metadata = pickle.load(file) file.close() metadata['Export ROC Plot'] = self.plot_roc metadata['Export PRC Plot'] = self.plot_prc metadata['Export Metric Boxplots'] = self.plot_metric_boxplots metadata['Export Feature Importance Boxplots'] = self.plot_fi_box metadata['Metric Weighting Composite FI Plots'] = self.metric_weight metadata['Top Model Features To Display'] = self.top_features # Pickle the metadata for future use pickle_out = open(self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/' + "metadata.pickle", 'wb') pickle.dump(metadata, pickle_out) pickle_out.close()
[docs] def get_cluster_params(self, full_path, len_cv): exclude_param = ','.join(self.exclude_plots) if self.exclude_plots else None cluster_params = [full_path, None, self.class_label, self.instance_label, self.scoring_metric, len_cv, self.top_features, self.sig_cutoff, self.metric_weight, self.scale_data, exclude_param, self.show_plots] cluster_params = [str(i) for i in cluster_params] return cluster_params
[docs] def submit_slurm_cluster_job(self, dataset_path, len_cv): job_ref = str(time.time()) job_name = self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/jobs/P6_' + job_ref + '' sh_file = open(job_name, 'w') sh_file.write('#!/bin/bash\n') sh_file.write('#SBATCH -p ' + self.queue + '\n') sh_file.write('#SBATCH --job-name=' + job_ref + '\n') sh_file.write('#SBATCH --mem=' + str(self.reserved_memory) + 'G' + '\n') # sh_file.write('#BSUB -M '+str(maximum_memory)+'GB'+'\n') sh_file.write( '#SBATCH -o ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/logs/P6_' + job_ref + '.o\n') sh_file.write( '#SBATCH -e ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/logs/P6_' + job_ref + '.e\n') file_path = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/streamline/legacy" + '/' cluster_params = self.get_cluster_params(dataset_path, len_cv) command = ' '.join(['srun', 'python', file_path] + cluster_params) sh_file.write(command + '\n') sh_file.close() os.system('sbatch ' + job_name)
[docs] def submit_lsf_cluster_job(self, dataset_path, len_cv): job_ref = str(time.time()) job_name = self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/jobs/P6_' + job_ref + '' sh_file = open(job_name, 'w') sh_file.write('#!/bin/bash\n') sh_file.write('#BSUB -q ' + self.queue + '\n') sh_file.write('#BSUB -J ' + job_ref + '\n') sh_file.write('#BSUB -R "rusage[mem=' + str(self.reserved_memory) + 'G]"' + '\n') sh_file.write('#BSUB -M ' + str(self.reserved_memory) + 'GB' + '\n') sh_file.write( '#BSUB -o ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/logs/P6_' + job_ref + '.o\n') sh_file.write( '#BSUB -e ' + self.output_path + '/' + self.experiment_name + '/logs/P6_' + job_ref + '.e\n') file_path = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent) + "/streamline/legacy" + '/' cluster_params = self.get_cluster_params(dataset_path, len_cv) command = ' '.join(['python', file_path] + cluster_params) sh_file.write(command + '\n') sh_file.close() os.system('bsub < ' + job_name)